Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 22...

Day 2-Notes, Thoughts, and Reflection

We started out the morning responding to blogs.  I found that I wanted to read everyone's comments, but I could not because of the time.  I enjoyed reading the blogs and comments left by those in class.

Classroom Climate and Culture Activity: Center Court: Toes on the line-Good activity to begin a class or staff in-service
  • Basketball example...teammates meet at center court with toes on the line and shares a comment or asks a question.  Great way to start a practice.
  • Our question, "What has been the best tech integration story in education that you've seen?"  Everyone in the class shared a success example...
    • Nearpod
    • Class Dojo, kept student in-check, teacher responds to student behavior so parents are aware of how their student is doing
    • Appy Hour-opportunity to share different applications, 1st Friday of the month, teachers get together and share apps they have used.
    • Creating blogs for student to respond...1st graders taking a picture of 1/3 and then post it on-line
    • Google apps (i.e. Google documents)-turn the student loose and let them create their own projects
    • Type to learn-keyboarding application
    • Facetime-4th grade teachers recording themselves, students go through problem solving steps, flipped classroom idea (photobooth, voicethread. goto meeting, google hang out
    • Diigo website (collect websites, articles and take notes, good to use for ideas for staff development)
Evernote Application
  • Allows a person to collect information, pictures
  • Can sync with Ipad, Iphone, Web
SAMR Model in 120 seconds
S-substitution (same task, ie google document vs. word)
A-Augmentation (i.e. share google doc among others)
M-Modification (redesign task, ie students comment on each other's google doc)
R-Redefinition (new tasks that were once impossible, ie share ideas across the globe, classrooms connecting with each other)

Yong Zhao article: "The Medium in the Message: Educating Generation M"
-We read this article and then got into groups to discuss the ideas presented.

G. Douglas Bundy Presentation
Prezi-presentation application
  • Google Lit Trips
  • Real World Math-to teach Math using Google Earth
  • Sketch Up-Free download (3-D printing)
  • Teachers around the world doing really innovative ideas
  • Ken Robinson, DRIVE-RSA video

Wow!  My brain is full!  So many cool ideas from class today.  In my notes above you can see the many different technological ideas that people in the class provided in the "center court" activity as well as from G. Bundy's presentation.  I feel comfortable with Google, but I learned several new tricks today...for example, using search filter on Google search to be able to really narrow field and when searching images, I can filter by color.  Never knew that before.  I also learned about Google translate and can really see how this program can be applicable in my role as a vice principal, whether that is working with an ELL student or having a conversation with a parent whose English language is limited.  

With so many thoughts and ideas running through my mind, I struggle with the next steps and what to do with all this information.  But, based on all the conversations today, I began thinking about my final project and creating staff in-service around technology to change their instruction.  This in-service may involve helping teachers figure out how to use productively use cell phones in class or use an application, such as Google docs., to improve student learning.  I think the place to start is with the coalition of the willing and create an "appy hour" where we can get together, pick a strategy/technology, try it, and then reflect on the results.

I believe if we can use technology to tap into the ideas from Daniel Pink's "Drive" to motivate students by creating purpose, autonomy, and mastery their engagement and learning will skyrocket.  Every student wants to be successful and create work that has purpose.  Often when students are in trouble for "goofing around" in class, I ask them why they are in trouble, they reply, "I was bored, we were just doing busy work in class today."  If we can engage students in meaningful work with a purpose, many of our discipline issues will decrease. 

I am very excited to learn more in the upcoming days.  Thank you for reading my blog and all comments are welcome.


  1. Have you read Drive? If not, put it on that already tall list of books you have on your nightstand, but make sure it's on top. It's such an eye-opener in how his theory of motivation works in schools. I think you'd love it. Glad you enjoyed today.

  2. "If we can engage students in meaningful work with a purpose, many of our discipline issues will decrease." I have agreed with this comment for years, in fact, as I sat in class yesterday, I started to think about the same direction with staff... If we can find "things" that will keep staff engaged in finding new and innovative ways to teach students, then maybe they will not get tired so fast and students will stay engaged longer/better also?

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. I, agree, we need to help staff keep students engaged in the hope of getting them "hooked" and wanting to be at school.
