Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday, July 24...Power of Video

Center Court:  "What is your 'local vision'?"
-Lessen the meeting time, flipped PD
-Tech time, set a repeated event on your calendar

Oregon Benefit Company-Google it

-What is it?

"Brain Rules" John Medina Video...

Vision trumps all other senses, picture says a 1,000 words
  • Hear it, remember 3 days later 10% of the time
  • Hear it and see, remember 3 days later 65% of the time
The Power of Video:

-Todd showed us several 3-4 minute clips which are on his webpage.  Examples are below.
  1. Text is...
  2. Technology and Education: student produced video
    1. science videos
How will I use this technology in my "local" vision?
-Start a family blog
-Use these new applications (Dropbox, blogger, Google apps, iTunes U., Slideshare, Evernote, Twitter account)
-Share and collaborate with my staff
-Create time for them to innovate and use technology


Unfortunately, this class in only a week.  There is so much to learn and I feel that I have only begun to understand all the resources that are available.  For each of the programs, tools, and apps. we have learned, I could spend at least a week playing with it and trying to figure out how to implement it into my practice.  Take for example the work with did today with iMovie.  I barely understand the program after about an hour playing with it.  Imagine what I could do if I really spent time learning how to use it.  

"Vision trumps all senses."  If we really want someone to remember something, we need to create visual media displaying our message.  I like the idea presenting information in the form of a video.  The task seems daunting because of the time it would take to make a quality video, but I know for sure that the more I use iMovie, the more proficient I would get at using it.

For my final project presentation, I incorporated the ideas about presentations that we learned yesterday...simple, visual, and clear.  I am eager to hear and gather feedback from my colleagues about my presentation.  In keeping with the spirit of learning new technology, I created my presentation using a web based program that I have never used before.  The presentation program is called Prezi.  I feel I am adept at using Powerpoint, but this program is fairly easy to use and much more interactive/entertaining.  

My presentation took me about twice as long to create in Prezi than it would have in Powerpoint, but I am sure the next time I use this program, it will not take long at all.  As I may have stated before, I often learn more from my mistakes than doing things right the first time.  Using Prezi, I made a lot of mistakes, but in the process I feel I really learned how to navigate the program.  Learning for me needs to be hands on and I appreciated getting the opportunity to play in iMovie today as well as learning about Prezi while doing my presentation. 

I look forward to hearing about everyone's presentation tomorrow.  Thank you again for reading my blog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday, July 23rd-rambling man

Notes and thoughts...

We started out the class this morning responding to everyone's blog.

Gave overview of the day...programs/applications we will be looking at
  • Dropbox
  • iTunes U
  • QuickTime -screen record
  • Screen Flow
"Center Court"...examples of poor integration of technology
  • Poor implementation of student response system-use students to help integrate and teach the technology
  • Speaker system used in the classroom
  • Canby school district-really using technology, good to go visit
  • BUILD IN TIME...create those routines
RSAnimate Ken Robinson Video "Changing Education Paradigms"
-ADHD epidemic
-The state of education in America

RSAnimate Daniel Pink Video "Drive"
-Mastery, Autonomy, and Purpose
-Group conversation reflecting ideas presented

Education Week: Flipped PD Initiative Boosts Teachers' Tech Skills
-My take away from the article is in order to have effective, sustainable PD around technology teacher must be supported along the way.  This thought makes me reflect on the clicker system we purchased and lack of continued PD support.  We offered initial support, but the continued support was lacking. 
-How can this apply to my work?  If I create a technology innovation committee next year, I need to provide support for the technology they are using.
-It is the opposite of sit and get...

Useful Programs

-Dropbox: on-line storage, can we store all our documents in this program?
-iTunes university: good resource for teaching lessons, this might be a starting point for tech. PD
-Website discussion/communication overview
-Slide Share...great resource for presentations

Thoughts on next steps...
-Technology representative from each neighborhood
-Use response system to gather data
-Monthly technology integration meeting
-Share out technology innovation at each neighborhood meeting
-Read "Drive" as a staff/group, what really motivates us?  How can we use the ideas in this book to help teach our students?
-Set up work sessions for those with technology questions


So many ideas, yet so little time or energy.  After taking any education class, I am always so inspired, but as soon as the shine wears off, I revert back to my old ways and my inspiration turns to perspiration.  How do I keep the inspirational momentum?  For me this is a very tough answer, considering "life".  Besides being a husband, father, educator, I do not dedicate time for creative thinking, but I need to build in this time in order to implement the ideas I have learned.  Even if this is only 30 minutes to 1 hour a month, it is a start.  

For me, since I am a simple man, I think the best way implement any new idea is to start small and build upon the successes.  A question for me is where to start?  Today, two programs help me answer this question-iTunes u. and  iTunes u. would be a great place to start technology PD.  Interested teachers could peruse this program and find something they can use in their classroom.  Using iTunes u. as a launch pad is a small start that could easily be implemented at the start of the school year.  The other program we learned about today is slide share.  This program contains a ton of presentations on all sorts of topics.  For example, in slideshare there is an education tab with all sorts of presentations ranging from...

Interesting facts...
Both of these programs could easily be shared with staff that they could start using immediately without much training.  In order for technology to be implemented, staff must receive on going support and be held accountable for what they are learning.  Thanks, again, for reading my rambling thoughts.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 22...

Day 2-Notes, Thoughts, and Reflection

We started out the morning responding to blogs.  I found that I wanted to read everyone's comments, but I could not because of the time.  I enjoyed reading the blogs and comments left by those in class.

Classroom Climate and Culture Activity: Center Court: Toes on the line-Good activity to begin a class or staff in-service
  • Basketball example...teammates meet at center court with toes on the line and shares a comment or asks a question.  Great way to start a practice.
  • Our question, "What has been the best tech integration story in education that you've seen?"  Everyone in the class shared a success example...
    • Nearpod
    • Class Dojo, kept student in-check, teacher responds to student behavior so parents are aware of how their student is doing
    • Appy Hour-opportunity to share different applications, 1st Friday of the month, teachers get together and share apps they have used.
    • Creating blogs for student to respond...1st graders taking a picture of 1/3 and then post it on-line
    • Google apps (i.e. Google documents)-turn the student loose and let them create their own projects
    • Type to learn-keyboarding application
    • Facetime-4th grade teachers recording themselves, students go through problem solving steps, flipped classroom idea (photobooth, voicethread. goto meeting, google hang out
    • Diigo website (collect websites, articles and take notes, good to use for ideas for staff development)
Evernote Application
  • Allows a person to collect information, pictures
  • Can sync with Ipad, Iphone, Web
SAMR Model in 120 seconds
S-substitution (same task, ie google document vs. word)
A-Augmentation (i.e. share google doc among others)
M-Modification (redesign task, ie students comment on each other's google doc)
R-Redefinition (new tasks that were once impossible, ie share ideas across the globe, classrooms connecting with each other)

Yong Zhao article: "The Medium in the Message: Educating Generation M"
-We read this article and then got into groups to discuss the ideas presented.

G. Douglas Bundy Presentation
Prezi-presentation application
  • Google Lit Trips
  • Real World Math-to teach Math using Google Earth
  • Sketch Up-Free download (3-D printing)
  • Teachers around the world doing really innovative ideas
  • Ken Robinson, DRIVE-RSA video

Wow!  My brain is full!  So many cool ideas from class today.  In my notes above you can see the many different technological ideas that people in the class provided in the "center court" activity as well as from G. Bundy's presentation.  I feel comfortable with Google, but I learned several new tricks today...for example, using search filter on Google search to be able to really narrow field and when searching images, I can filter by color.  Never knew that before.  I also learned about Google translate and can really see how this program can be applicable in my role as a vice principal, whether that is working with an ELL student or having a conversation with a parent whose English language is limited.  

With so many thoughts and ideas running through my mind, I struggle with the next steps and what to do with all this information.  But, based on all the conversations today, I began thinking about my final project and creating staff in-service around technology to change their instruction.  This in-service may involve helping teachers figure out how to use productively use cell phones in class or use an application, such as Google docs., to improve student learning.  I think the place to start is with the coalition of the willing and create an "appy hour" where we can get together, pick a strategy/technology, try it, and then reflect on the results.

I believe if we can use technology to tap into the ideas from Daniel Pink's "Drive" to motivate students by creating purpose, autonomy, and mastery their engagement and learning will skyrocket.  Every student wants to be successful and create work that has purpose.  Often when students are in trouble for "goofing around" in class, I ask them why they are in trouble, they reply, "I was bored, we were just doing busy work in class today."  If we can engage students in meaningful work with a purpose, many of our discipline issues will decrease. 

I am very excited to learn more in the upcoming days.  Thank you for reading my blog and all comments are welcome.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday, July 21st...notes, thoughts, and reflections

Video "Learning to Change.  Changing to Learn."  

-Give teachers the tools to connect with other teachers. If we want our students to learn to collaborate, we must model this behavior.  We need to work together in order to create a learning environment that best suits the needs of our students.
-We must develop a narrative to describe 21st century learning that includes technology.
-If most of us learned under a different model without technology, how do we change our thinking?  As the old adage goes, "it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks", so how do we get people to embrace this technological shift to better their teaching practice?

The idea of "Keeper of Knowledge vs. Teacher as a Facilitator"
-We need to change our mindset

Sir Ken Robinson Video

  • Endure vs. Enjoyment...some people go through life just enduring it
  • Are we wasting human talent?
  • Education needs to be transformed not reformed.
  • Abraham Lincoln quote...dis-enthralled, rise with the change and not to it.
  • Wrist watch... is a single function device, it only tells time
  • Life is not linear, but organic.  We are obsessed with the linear narrative.
  • "A 3yr old is not 1/2 a 6 yr old"
  • Fast Food Educational model...everything is very standardized
  • Industrial model compared the to principles of agriculture model (organic process)-create environment where students a can flourish
  • We need to be careful with our students not to crush their dreams as they are laid carefully under our feet.  Ted gave the example of how one of his teachers made fun of him for wanting to be a firefighter, because he would be wasting his talents.  Ironically, the student (did not become disillusioned and followed his dream) became a firefighter and saved his teacher's life after a car accident.  How many dreams are stepped on by educators?  We need to be extremely careful in the comments we make to students.  Educators have the power to crush dreams or to help foster and make their dreams become a reality.
Sugata Mitra Video
  • The hole in the wall experiment (children can learn computers on their own irrespective of education)
  • Self education
  • Do we need teachers or can students just use computers?  

My take away from the 1st video is the need to get technology into educators' hands to improve and create a classroom better suited for learning which meets the needs of the 21st century learner.  The challenge with this concept is many educators have a fear of technology and/or do not know how to use it.  So, we need to provide technology for the teacher to use, but also provide training and resources so they know how to use it.  The question is who will provide these resources/training.

Mr. Robinson made a good argument that we need to switch from and industrial based education to one of agricultural origin.  Rather than having an assembly line where the product is standardized, education needs to be organic.  We need to create environments that foster student learning that supports student begin able thinking and create independently.

Computers vs. Teachers?
Do we need teacher or can everyone learn from computer?  The data presented in Sugata Mitra's video could make an argument for students learning from computers.  What I found interesting is students need to work in groups with computers rather than alone.  There is some learning dynamic that occurs when students work and collaborate together on a given problem.  I think teachers should never be replaced, because of the student/teacher relationships created, but we should be using much more technology to help students learn.

Most students have access to technology and we must embrace it rather than fear.  I hear many teacher who despise cell phone and want a school wide ban on them, but on the other hand I have seen teachers use cell phone to instruct their students.  We need to find a way to help teachers overcome their fears and let students use technology to their advantage.  I heard from a student who brought her computer to school, but was not allowed to use it in the computer lab.  The teacher made the student put it away because the teacher was afraid of what the student was doing on her computer.  This situation made no sense to me and that teacher needs to allow students to use their own devices.

Below is my attempt to add a picture to my blog...not sure about the content of this book, I just searched images for one on one devices in Google.